I work with leaders and teams in two ways:

  1. Identifying ways to accelerate your business using artificial intelligence(AI)

  2. Empowering employees with AI.

How I can help you:


Over the past 15 years, I have worked in global organisations, fostering collaboration, promoting innovation practices, and empowering leaders and teams to flourish within a rapidly evolving tech landscape. 

My experience has shown me that collective innovation through collaboration is powerful, today I am focused on how AI can empower an organisations biggest asset – their people.

“Your presentation was amazing - thank you for being so inspiring.” 

Robbie Dickenson, Head of Customer Care ANZ at Dyson

THE CHALLENGE You May not even know you’re facing

The challenges facing business today and the emergence of new technology, demand completely new ways of thinking.

Human Centred Co-design is at the heart of the way I work with you and your team, empowering people with cross functional skills to be PART of the solution. Moving from ‘observer’ to ‘participant’. The effect of this is powerful beyond just embracing AI, it helps bond teams and foster employee engagement, to create a ‘culture of innovation’.

My  role is to design and facilitate collective leadership to create sustainable business growth.

I do this through:

  • Keynote speaking - Driving the conversations we need to have about AI and emerging technology

  • AI Strategy Sessions - working with you to identify high priority areas for AI and taking your people on the journey

  • Training - Taking real problems that can be solved by AI and working them through




Understand more about AI.


Find out where to start with AI


Identify new business opportunities with AI

“Fiona excellently articulated the human aspect of  AI call centre technology and the potential it holds for call agents. She effectively uses relatable stories to communicate this to the audience.”

— Marius Van De Merve - AW365 Global Sales Lead